actor Frederick Matthias Alexander born in Tasmania
(Australia) in 1869 experienced problems with breathing,
hoarseness and a failing voice which threatened to put an end
to his promising career. The doctors diagnosed inflammation of
the vocal cords. As none of the prescribed treatments helped,
he took matters into his own hands.
During painstaking self-observation
and experimentation in front of the mirror, Alexander realised
that unconsciously he was unduly tightening muscles throughout
his body whenever he was performing. It was the bad use
of his whole self that caused the poor functioning
of his voice! By gradually developing a means of consciously changing
these unwanted habits Alexander experienced considerable improvement
in his acting and general health.
He moved to London in 1904, teaching
his technique until his death in 1955. His innovative method attracted
clients from all walks of life and with a wide range of health
Alexander wrote four books.